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Annals of Oncology: Publication of CureCancer - study abstract

Quality of Life | Friday 22 January 2021

Annals of Oncology: Publication of CureCancer - study abstract

A recent study showed that CureCancer - assisted patients to record their symptoms and communicate with their physicians, with the aim of achieving early and effective supportive care.

The study was accomplished with the support and collaboration of the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology-HeSMO,, with CURECANCER.

The study was agreed upon and signed during the hosting of CURECANCER at THEA, The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Fourteen Cancer Centers, from all of Greece, collaborated in this part of the study.  The study was completed on 15.12.2020.

Tags: CureCancer -, telemedicine, cancer, symptoms, Annals of Oncology

Quality of Life Friday 22 January 2021

Annals of Oncology: Publication of CureCancer - study abstract

Annals of Oncology: Publication of CureCancer - study abstract

A recent study showed that CureCancer - assisted patients to record their symptoms and communicate with their physicians, with the aim of achieving early and effective supportive care.

The study was accomplished with the support and collaboration of the Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology-HeSMO,, with CURECANCER.

The study was agreed upon and signed during the hosting of CURECANCER at THEA, The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Fourteen Cancer Centers, from all of Greece, collaborated in this part of the study.  The study was completed on 15.12.2020.

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